Bed Bug Treatment in Scottsdale And Phoenix

Bed Bug infestations in the Phoenix/Scottsdale area have been on the increase for the past 10 years.  At NatureZone Pest Control, we have performed a bed bug treatment in many homes with various degrees of infestation.

The one in this video is one we will remember for a long time.  It was a manufactured home.  The owner did not react to bed bug bites (to show bites you have to be allergic to a protein in the bugs saliva).  This level of an infestation likely took a year to develop and had long since destroyed the appearance of the furniture.

As you can see in this video basically the bugs had fully taken over the room (and house).  Fortunately, a simple bed bug treatment strategy and some dedication cleared this all up without any real concerns.

If you have a problem with bed bugs…or any other pest…or simply a question…call NatureZone Pest Control at 602-476-1088 and ask for me, Bill Stewart, president.  I’ll be happy to speak with you anytime.

PS. Call today for a FREE Consultation and FREE 58 Point Pest Analysis of YOUR home or office!

Bed Bug infestations in the Phoenix/Scottsdale area have been on the increase for the past 10 years. Naturezone pest exterminator in Arizona control pest naturally.