5 Hiding Spots for Bed Bugs! – Phoenix / Scottsdale Bed Bug Control

Bed Bug Control requires effective inspections!

Bed Bug control is a huge issue here in the Phoenix and Scottsdale area! One of the most common calls that we get is frantic homeowners finding bed bugs that they didn’t know they had. Here you will learn about 5 hiding spots for bed bugs.

Many times when a homeowner first finds bed bugs in their home they have already had them for several weeks or even months already. The reason for this is that bed bug infestations usually start with just a few and then multiply very quickly with an available source of human blood. In as little as 10 weeks a room can go from having only 2-bed bugs to having as many as a thousand! And this problem is compounded by the fact that you usually never see them unless you look for them.

Lots of folks think that they would first notice bed bugs when they see or feel bites. But this is often not the case. A bed bug bite itself leaves no mark. They have a very tiny beak that they use to get to your blood. Some folks have a mild allergic reaction to the saliva left behind which can leave a red, itchy welt on the skin at the site of the bite. But this reaction only happens in a little bit less than half the population leaving most people with no visible evidence of a bite.

So what can you do to find bed bugs in your home before they become a big problem? I’ll outline 5 places where you might find bed bugs hiding in your bedroom. Use this as a periodic check or as a way to set yourself at ease when you may have visited an infested friend’s house, a motel, or a movie theater.

Here’s is a quick video with the president of NaturZone Pest Control Bill Stewart on inspection and Bed Bug Control.

5 Hiding Spots for Bed Bugs

  • Folds and Seams of Your Mattress
  • Folds and Crevices of Your Box Spring
  • Bedside Tables and Other Furniture Near Bed
  • Curtains Near or Touching Bed
  • Cracks and Crevices of Bed Frame

Many people think that the edges of the carpet are an important place to check while doing a bed bug control inspection. While bed bugs will infest the edges of carpeting. This usually happens later in the progression of the infestation so that by that point the problem is already apparent.

Keep in mind that bed bugs will hide anywhere where they have protection from light and movement, especially if that place offers easy access to a human host. So when in doubt, check!

Folds and Seams of Your Mattress 

Generally, bed bugs will not travel far from their host. This means that sometimes you can find them as close as the folds or under the seams of the mattress. Besides, this will be on the underside of the mattress except in cases where the infestation has already progressed quite a bit.

What you are looking for is 4  different things that tell you you have an infestation:

  • Bed Bugs themselves
  • Bed Bug Skins from Molting
  • Pinhead Sized, Pearly White Eggs
  • Black Spots or Stains (Feces)

Folds and Crevices of Box Spring

The box springs are often the place where we find the most activity. The folds of fabric or textile on the bottom side of the box spring are a perfect spot that offers protection from light and movement. We will often find clusters of eggs along with the bloodstains that are the feces of bed bugs and the bugs themselves in these folds.

The plastic or metal bumpers on the corners of the box springs also provide a great place for bed bugs to hide, mate, and lay eggs. In conclusion, don’t forget the cracks and crevices on the inside of the box springs. Between the wood pieces, cardboard and fabric are all important spots to check.


The backside of curtains is an often overlooked spot to check for signs of bed bugs.

The backside of curtains, especially those that touch a bed, are often a big area of activity. Usually, at the top of the curtains around the seams and folds and on the backside you can find signs of bed bugs if you have an infestation.

Bedside Tables

Underneath or in the cracks and crevices of bed-side tables and other pieces of furniture touching or near the bed will usually provide a good place for bed bugs to hide. Look anywhere that two pieces of wood meet. inside or underneath drawers too.

Cracks and Crevices of Bed Frame

This is also a big one. Depending on the type of frame, it can harbor more of these nasty bloodsuckers than the box springs. Look in the cracks and crevices, anywhere that two or more pieces of the material meet are a potential spot for bed bugs, eggs, and other signs.

If you’re having a problem with Bed Bugs…or any other pest…or simply a question about bed bug control or anything else…call NaturZone Pest Control at 602-476-1088 and ask for me, Jeffrey West.  I’ll be happy to speak with you anytime.

Till then, thanks for reading!

Here’s to helping YOU live Pest Free,


PS. Call 602-476-1088 today for a FREE Consultation and FREE 58 Point Pest Analysis of your home or office!

Many people who are trying to control bed bugs ask this question where the bugs hide. In this article, you will learn about 5 Hiding Spots for Bed Bugs.