Pest Control Experts in Phoenix

In Phoenix and Scottsdale Natural Pest Control is important to a lot of folks for lots of different reasons. Different personality types, or temperaments, approach natural pest control in different ways. The following are the 4 personalities of pest control in the Phoenix area.

In this article we will look at the 4 classic temperaments outlined thousands of years ago, how they each might approach a pest issue, what their strengths would be, and how each could go about improving on their weaknesses as they apply to pest control.

The 4 Personalities of Pest Control

Hippocrates defined 4 basic personality types and thousands of years later people are still using these to look at there strengths and weaknesses to improve themselves. The 4 types are:

  • Choleric
  • Sanguine
  • Phlegmatic
  • Melancholic

If we look at each of these types, try to figure out which one most describes us, then we can move forward in our natural pest control plans with the ability to emphasize our strengths and watch out for and dial down our weaknesses.


Cholerics are extroverted, task-oriented folks. They are dominant, decisive, doers. They are always Ingo, go, go mode! This is the guy that offers to “help” you do something and then completely takes over.

A choleric approaches a pest problem with a “Do it now and do it right” attitude. The strength here is that choleric will usually not wait to tackle a pest problem. This is big because most pest issues get worse over time. Cholerics usually want to be thorough too, which is usually good, because being thorough is the “Right” way to do things and choleric can’t stand to not be right.

The danger here is that an untrained choleric will jump right into a pest treatment without knowing what, where and how to treat. This often results in the “more is better” or “scorched earth” approach which is definitely not natural pest control and can often make issues worse.

If this is you, slow down just a bit. Get quality information on the treatment or exterminator that’s right for you and your pest issues, and then move forward with your plan.


Sanguines are extroverted, people-oriented folks. For sanguines, priorities are having fun and making friends. This is the person that goes to a party, if they didn’t through it themselves, and meets all the new people, makes new friends and doesn’t even notice when the cops show up. We are the folks who get distracted by shiny objects, at the expense of everything else.

Sanguines are the type to put off dealing with a pest issue because it is just not one of those top two priorities. When they do get around to dealing with it they won’t often do research on the treatment or professional that they need, and if they try to do it themselves, they won’t often do a thorough job.

The strength of a sanguine in these situations is to make a game of doing the research and work. Sanguines can make anything fun! A sanguine could have a competition with the family to see who can find the most roaches or scorpions in one area, which helps them or their exterminator know where to focus their efforts.

Sanguines should always remember that while taking care of a pest issue may not be fun, it’s a whole lot less fun to live with a bad infestation and eventually have to deal with that.


Phlegmatics are introverted, people-oriented folks. They are the sweet, caring, peacemakers of the world. They are also hard to get started doing a lot of things. This is the person who will do anything you ask them to do because they just want to make everyone happy, but if you don’t ask them to do anything, they’re hiding somewhere watching TV or reading a book for hours, or days. They prioritize people, even though they’re initially afraid of folks they don’t know.

Phlegmatics may not prioritize a pest issue unless they realize how much that problem may bother or threaten someone they care about. Even then they may drag their feet or not do the proper research. Their strength is that they will want to do everything in the safest, responsible way, which usually leads them to natural pest control methods or companies.

Phlegmatics should always remember that many pest issues have an effect on the people around them and some can pose a health risk especially if allowed to get worse. This will motivate them to action. It is one of the 4 personalities of pest control.


Melancholic or melancholy is introverted, task-oriented folks. They prioritize information and answers. They enjoy researching every possible corner of any task they are taking on. This is the dude that stares at the menu at the local burger joint for a half an hour, asks every question about every ingredient in every item on the menu, sits down with a laptop to make a spreadsheet of those ingredients, then goes to another burger joint to look at their menu. All the while wondering why they’re so hungry.

Melancholy has a huge strength in that they get all the necessary information and then they make a solid treatment plan. Of course, their weakness is that time flies by, and pest issues get worse while they perfect that plan, never pulling the trigger. When a melancholy finally does implement a plan though, it’s usually one that works out.

If this is you, remember that action is just as important as answers. Do your research, then make your decision and act!

NatureZone Pest Control

If you’re having a problem with any pest…or you simply have a question about natural pest control…call NaturZone Pest Control at 602-476-1088 and ask for me, Jeffrey.  I’ll be happy to speak with you anytime.

Till then, thanks for reading!

Here’s to helping YOU live Pest Free,


PS. Call 602-476-1088 today for a FREE Consultation and FREE 58 Point Pest Analysis of your home or office!